Monday, 31 December 2012

मेरे भारत देश के लोगो तुम्हे क्या हो गया

मेरे भारत देश के लोगो तुम्हे क्या हो गया | 'तुम्हे' इसलिए बोल रहा हूँ की वो पाशविक लोग भी हम में से ही होते है जो ऐसे बुरी मानसिकता वाले काम करते है | तुम क्यों अपनी संस्कृति को भूल रहे हो, जिसके दम पर हम ये बोल पाते है-
"जहां डाल डाल पर, सोने की चिडिय़ां करती है बसेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा जहां सत्य अहिंसा और धर्म का, पग-पग लगता डेरा, वो भारत देश है मेरा।"

हमने बचपन से जिस प्रतिज्ञा को सीखा है, क्यों उसको अमल में नही ला रहे |
"भारत मेरा देश है।
सब भारतवासी मेरे भाई-बहन हैँ।
मैँ अपने देश से प्रेम करता हूँ।
इसकी समृद्ध एवं विविध संस्कृति पर मुझे गर्व है।
मैँ सदा इसका सुयोग्य अधिकारी बनने का प्रयत्न करता रहूगाँ।
मैँ अपने माता-पिता, शिक्षकोँ एवं गुरुजनोँ का सम्मान करुगाँ और प्रत्येक के साथ विनीत रहूगाँ।
मैँ अपने देश और देशवासियोँ के प्रति सत्यनिष्ठा की प्रतिज्ञा करता हूँ।
इनके कल्याण एवं समृद्धि मेँ ही मेरा सुख निहित है।" (साभार: विकिपडिया.ओआरजी)

हमारी प्रतिज्ञा का एक-एक शब्द हमे मनुष्यता के मायने सीखता है . पर दुःख! दुःख इस बात का की इसको कभी समझने की चेष्टा ही नही की. उन कापुरुषों ने भी इस को पढ़ा होगा, सीखा होगा पर अमल में नही लाये , उसका परिणाम हमारे सामने है. उन जैसे दूषित सोच वाले लोग किसी कंस या रावन से कम नहीं है. कंस या रावन पाशविकता की वो चरम सीमा है, जन्हा पर उनको प्रायश्चित करने का समय नही दिया सकता | फिर क्यों तुम उनका अंत कर दो, जितना जल्दी हो सके |

हालाँकि हम उसको नही बचा सके | पर उसकी जिजीविषा (जीने की लालसा) ने हमे बहुत कुछ सिखाया है | वो इसलिए जीना चाहती थी की, अपने इस दुःख को साथ में रखते हुए भी अपने परिवार की सेवा कर सके. उसको पल पोस कर जिसने बड़ा किया है, उन्हें संभल सके. उसकी ये सोच हमे अपने परिवार, सामाज, देश के प्रति दायित्व का अहसास करवाती है. दूसरी और वो नाकारा पुरुष जिन्हें आपने बूढ़े माँ-बाप का भी कोई ख्याल नही था. लाज है ऐसे लोगों पर जिन्हें अपनो से भी कोई लगाव नही.

जरुरत है की हम अपने दायित्व को समझे | बुरे-भले का बोध करें | अपनों को समझे | ओर 'अपनो' की कोई सीमा नही होती, परिवार, देश, विश्व सब अपने है. सामान करना सीखे | केवल व्यावसायिक शिक्षा को ही महत्व देके, मानवीय शिक्षा को समझे | तभी हम एक शशक्त, अतुल्य, विकसित सांस्कृतिक भारत का निर्माण कर पाएंगे | नही तो बस ये एक सपना ही रह जायेगा.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Three Simple Rules for a Better Life: DF, BF and NF

Most people in modern time feels frustration due to some problemI see there is only three things that cause the frustration in form of problems. These three things are -
  1. Slow speed work / too much thinking / no solution of a problem
  2. Not frank (familiar) with environment people
  3. Wasting time unnecessarily / incomplete work 
If we care only three easy but valuable solutions corresponding to above listed three things, then we can save us from frustration. By accomplish the tasks with caring the three simple rules will surely give benefit. These three rules are -
  1. Do Fast (DF): we can improve our speed
  2. Be Frank (BF): Friendly environment help us to understand about the behavior of colleagues and the frankness set the more believe between people
  3. Not Free (NF): since time is precious and we require to use each part of its
So DF, BF and NF principle terms are efficiently must be carried by us, for better living life.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

What is the aim of life

'Life', that is a beautiful creativity of nature, no words to completely define its importance. It is a chance to each being to show his abilities. Most of the among us not able to understand purpose of the life. This is irritable for us that till today after thousands of years of establishment of humanity at earth most of the people are not able to understand real meaning of life. This post is one try to clear out what is the life, its purpose and why it is so beautiful?
The meaning of life is wrapped around our nature. There each being (creature) is doing something special. Like cows are gives milk that is best in all of the types of milk. Dogs are most faithful. Sparrows are making music. Other then his specialties they can produce more lives (children). This sequence of producing more child s goes continually. After a definite time period each one go for death. There the small time period between birth and death that is called by us 'life'.

But for human beings life is so special because they have many specialties then other creatures. What is the meaning of life that is not doing anything special other then some specific work that fixed by someone. The kind of specific work can be done by machines although the machines are not creatures. So, there in this condition no difference between lifelike and lifeless things.

In current time many from us are doing work as machines. They are doing repeated work again and again without finding something different in his work. Due to this quality of work is not become more.

We require to do always something experiment in his work and should be try to increase quality of work by learning from situations. Since no one of creature has multi specialties like human. My mean is that humans are the creature who able to do anything that they like. For example I can say if they want, can produce milk by many procedures that milk will also be more qualitative. Next paragraph will be clear main aim of life.

In life of us, many of the things available that makes our life easier, made happy. Some of them are also do loss. Whenever from each one of the thing is make us happy or offend, they also want to remain happy. If we all will be remain happy and make others happy then all will be become happy.

So, aim of life is can be summarized as:
  • Enjoy, celebrate occasions and become happy
  • Meet with others and make them happy
  • Remain always happy so able to do anything easily
So main aim is happiness. For remain happy we requires:
  1. Like people because they are our society and they also helps whenever we required
  2. Think positive only
  3. Not do any intoxication (this take you in virtual world)
  4. Not waste time (always time is expensive if we do something)
  5. Any work that u do, not leave without completing very well (this makes u complete and confident)
  6. Not forget "vashudhev kutumbkam" (all world is my family)
  7. Earn more money by doing qualitative work
Your Comments are required to explore more about aim of the life.
Feel beauty of nature to realize importance of life